Bible Language

Psalms 97:7 (ERVEN) Easy to Read - English

1 The Lord rules, and the earth is happy. All the faraway lands are happy.
2 Thick, dark clouds surround the Lord. Goodness and justice make his kingdom strong.
3 A fire goes in front of the Lord and destroys his enemies.
4 His lightning flashes in the sky. The people see it and are afraid.
5 The mountains melt like wax before the Lord, before the Lord of the earth.
6 The skies tell about his goodness, and the nations see his glory.
7 People worship their idols. They brag about their "gods." But they will be embarrassed. And all their "gods" will bow down before the Lord.
8 Zion, listen and be happy! Cities of Judah, be glad! Rejoice because the Lord's decisions are fair.
9 Lord Most High, you really are the ruler of the earth. You are much better than the "gods."
10 Hate evil, you who love the Lord. He protects his followers and saves them from evil people.
11 Light and happiness shine on those who want to do right.
12 Good people, be happy in the Lord! Praise his holy name!